πŸ“–AI Settings

This page contains information on how you can configure the bot’s personality, redact customer data, handle flow, and use the ChatGPT model.

Bot Personality Configuration

Define your bot's personality settings to tailor its responses and interactions:


Answer Length

Specify the preferred length of responses provided by the bot.

Answer as

Determine the persona in which the bot will respond to users.


Select the tone of voice for the bot's responses.


Choose the language in which the bot will communicate with users.

Answer Formatting

Decide the format in which the bot's responses will be presented to users.

Included Sources for Response

Enable to include sources for bot-generated responses.

Personalize Replies with Chat History

Personalize responses based on the user's chat history with the bot.

Manage Unusual Chat Scenarios

Handle unique chat scenarios and ensure appropriate responses:


Action Required When Bot Is Unable To Answer

Set a response message to display when the bot is unable to answer a user's query.

Action Required When Inappropriate Language Use

Define a message to address inappropriate language usage by the user.

ChatGPT Model Configuration

Integrate the ChatGPT model for advanced conversational capabilities:


Integrate with ChatGPT

Click to integrate the ChatGPT model, enhancing the bot's conversational abilities and responses.

Saving Changes

Once you have configured all the settings according to your requirements, click the "Save Changes" button to apply the changes. The bot will update its setting after some time ones cache is removed.

Last updated