πŸ“–User Access

This page contains information on how you can decide who can access your bot.

Bot Availability Settings

Customize the availability control settings to manage device support, IP address blocking, page visibility, and country access:


Device Support

Determine which types of devices can access the bot.

Block IP Addresses

Enter specific IP addresses to block or restrict access to the bot.

Hide Chatbot on Specific Pages

Enter URLs of pages where you don't want the bot to appear.

Select Countries to Enable Bot

Choose the countries where you want users to access the bot.


These settings allow you to control the bot's accessibility based on device types, IP addresses, specific web pages, and user locations.

Saving Changes

Once you have configured all the settings according to your requirements, click the "Save Changes" button to apply the changes. The bot will update its setting after some time ones cache is removed.

Use Invalidate Cache option to make changes live right away.

Last updated